




Rate Restoration Initiative (RRI-02) Asia to USA

Effective July 1st, 2015




Dear Valued Customer,


Effective July 1, 2015, unless otherwise specified, a RATE RESTORATION INITIATIVE (RRI-02) will apply to all cargo tariff or service contract rates on cargo moving under the scope of this tariff as outlined.




From: All Asia (includes Far East) Ports of Load
TO: ALL U.S.A. Ports of Discharge and inland points via said ports
USD 540 per 20′ (all types)
USD 600 per 40′ (all types)
USD 675 per 40’HC (all types)
USD 675 per 40′ (reefer types)
USD 760 per 45′ (all types)
USD 960 per 53’* (all types)
*USWC ports of discharge




The above charges are in addition to any existing tariff Rate Restoration Initiative charges.
Thank you for your continued support.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact your local CMA CGM (America) LLC sales representative. For current schedule activity please visit our Web site at www.cmacgm.com.
Best regards,
Vice President, Import Sales
CMA CGM (America) LLC


