PEX3 Service: Service Rotation Change
Effective May, 2015
Dear Valued Customer,
Effective mid-May 2015, CMA CGM will discontinue our regular weekly Charleston on our current PEX3 service. The last Charleston call on PEX3 will be on the CMA CGMWHITE SHARK v. PGA33E sailing Qingdao on April 10th and arriving CHARLESTON on 5/22.
In order to maintain our presence in this important market, we will continue our weekly service into Charleston. All cargo will move on our new VESPUCCI service whether from direct ports or in T/S via hub of PUSAN.
The first call of Charleston on VESPUCCI service will be with M/V HH NIKOL C v. 005VCS sailing Qingdao on April 17, 2015, arriving Charleston on May 17, 2015.
The new VESPUCCI service rotation is as follows:
Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact your local CMA CGM sales representative. For current schedule activity please visit our Web site at www.cma-cgm.com.
Best regards,
CMA CGM (America) LLC