


MV Corcovado Voyage 537W – Failure in engine pilot valve


November 18, 2015

Dear Customer,
We regret to inform you that the MV Corcovado Voyage 537W reported a main engine pilot valve failure. It was decided to move the vessel at a reduced speed on its way to Asia.
Due to this unexpected situation the MV Corcovado original schedule will be delayed for about 6 days.
The Vessel will call Pusan and Shanghai only. All cargo with destination Xiamen, Chiwan and Hong Kong will be transshipped in Shanghai onto MV CMA CGM Mississippi Voyage 042.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and shall keep you informed on further developments in due course.
For further information please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.
Kind regards,
Hapag-Lloyd AG


