Hamburg, July 20th 2015
Dear valued customers,
a low water surcharge (Kleinwasserzuschlag) will be implemented as from July 20 th 2015 due to drastically fallen water levels on river rhine. Low water surcharges will be invoiced retroactively by MOL and become applied as per below mentioned scales according to water levels as they are valid at starting day of the barge transport.
Please take these additional charges in consideration in addition to agreed haulage rates.
For barge transports routed via the inland terminals located in :
Duisburg, Dortmun, Neuss and Koln
Waterlevel Duisburg – Ruhrort
Surcharge per 20 ft Surcharge per 40 ft
<270cm 30.00 EUR 35.00 EUR
<250cm 50.00 EUR 60.00 EUR
<220cm 70.00 EUR 85.00 EUR
<200cm 95.00EUR 110.00 EUR
<180cm on request on request
For barge transports routed via the inland terminals located in :
Mainz, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Woerth, Stuttgart, Strassbourg and Basel.
Waterlevel Kaub
Surcharge per 20ft Surcharge per 40 ft
<150cm 35.00 EUR 40.00 EUR
<130cm 45.00 EUR 55.00 EUR
<110cm 55.00 EUR 70.00 EUR
<95cm 85.00EUR 110.00 EUR
<80cm on request on request
Actual water levels are available under below mentioned links:
www.elwis.de or
https://www.elwis.de/gewaesserkunde/Wasserstaende/Wasserstaende_start.php?target=2&pegelId= c0f51e35-d0e8-4318-afaf-c5fcbc29f4c1
Kaub :
https://www.elwis.de/gewaesserkunde/Wasserstaende/Wasserstaende_start.php?target=2&pegelId= 1d26e504-7f9e-480a-b52c-5932be6549ab
MOL (Europe) B.V.
Friesenstraße 1
20097 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0) 40 35611123
Fax: +49 (0)40 35611163