We are getting the following details from NYK:
China 24 Hour Advance Manifest Rule – Update #2
Dear Valued Customers
We would like to inform you about the enforcement of China 24-hour Advance Manifest Rule (CCAM) for all China import cargoes that are discharged at Shenzhen area with effect from 15th October 2014.
Official announcement was made by China Customs Beijing Head Office in end September 2014 advising a full enforcement of the new CCAM 24-hour rule with effect from 15th October 2014.
CCAM 24-hour rule was already enforced for Shanghai from June 2014 and this is an extension of the rule to Shenzhen area.
To comply with the necessary China 24 requirements, please find important information below.
Scope of China Advance Filing Rules
Cargo in scope of the rule All containerized cargo destined for China that is discharged at Shenzhen area.
This includes Shekou, Yantian, Dachan Bay and Chiwan ports.
OUT of SCOPE and does not require submission 24 hours prior loading:
Cargoes transshipped via Hong Kong to Shenzhen area, FROB (freight remaining on board over a China port), RORO (car carrier) cargo, shipper owned empty tank
containers, empty carrier owned containers and Break Bulk cargo.
Enforcement Date Cargoes loading on 15th October 2014.
Deadline of filing Advance Manifest:
24 hours before loading from a port in a foreign country/territory.
Customers will be requested to submit Shipping Instructions (SI) within a suitable timeline prior documentation cut-off date to allow BL completion and submission to
China Customs. NYK will file 28 hours before vessel arrival at load port to ensure Customs response prior to cargo loading.
Documentation Cut-off
In order to comply with the rule, NYK will require complete and accurate shipping instructions before the documentation cut-off times at each loading region. Please contact our customer service representative for your exact documentation cut-off.
A No Doc / No Load policy will be implemented by NYK Line for shipments where shipping instructions are not submitted by the required documentation cut-off time.
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