OOCL just circulated the following information.
We checked the federal register for more details and it seems that the definition of tank trucks was clarified. Now the driver needs to show a tank truck license, if the truck carries a bulk liquid tank of more than 1000 gallons, even it is a flexy tank inside of a standard container:
Here the OOCL text:
Customer Advisory: New USA port restriction for liquid IBC packaging. Applies to both hazardous (DG) and NON DG cargo.
There is a new USA Federal regulation that requires truck drivers in the USA to have a special license in order to move Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) liquid packaging units with aggregate volumes exceeding 3,785 liters (1,000 gallons) in a single marine container.
Conditions: Any door or carrier move
Restriction: If IBC packaging is involved in an OOCL container shipment, and the total volume of all IBC packaging, DG or non DG, in the container is greater than 3785 liters (1000 gallons), a specially certified truck driver is required. In these over 1,000 gallon cases with IBC packaging units, the booking must be on a CY term only and with merchant haulage to/from the marine terminal or rail ramp.
If the shipment is to move by rail, and the marine terminal has on dock rail, the shipment can be taken to/from the inland rail terminal. Again, any truck movements must be using merchant haulage. OOCL cannot assist with trucking for these moves.
This is the extract from the Federal Register as a back up and clarification:
SUMMARY: On May 9, 2011, FMCSA published a final rule titled “Commercial Driver’s License Testing and Commercial Learner’s Permit Standards.” Among other things, the rule revised the definition of “tank vehicle.” The change required additional drivers, primarily those transporting certain tanks temporarily attached to the commercial motor vehicle (CMV), to obtain a tank vehicle endorsement on their commercial driver’s license (CDL). The Agency has since received numerous questions and requests for clarification. This notice responds to questions about the new definition and the compliance date for…
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